We braved the rain and headed to our cabin with some friends. It was the first time having eight people stay at the place. Our girls and their girls all know each other well from Hope Lodge, and so they hit it off right away and played easily together. The grown ups even got to play some games uninterrupted.

On Saturday, despite the rain, we decided to get out and go on a hike. The place is too small to stay inside. We walked a mile or so stretch of the Pacific Crest Trail starting at Stevens Pass. The trail wasn’t super interesting, but the kids had fun for the most part. They were all troopers about the wind/rain and wet trail. They had a good time exploring this little waterfall along the way.

The second day we just hung out near the cabin and went to the river. It was incredible how quickly that river rises. On Friday afternoon it seemed so low one could wade across, but by Sunday it was noticeably higher. Apparently 4-7 inches of rain was expected in the mountains that weekend and it all seemed to be running down the river.

Kayla had such a good time in September around our campfire outside that she really wanted to do it again. Tim and Autumn were the only ones she talked into standing around outside in the rain to have a fire. I believe marshmallows were roasted and all the kids were out there for that. I was happy to be inside warm and toasty. I must say, the roof of the cabin sounds so lovely when it rains and makes for a very peaceful sleep.