Kayla started first grade today. She began the day somewhat hesitant and unsure. New teacher, new multi-age classroom, new rules, new lunch eating area (rather than in the classrooms like last year).

There are so few first graders in each of these new multi age classes as many 1st graders moved or went to different schools. Kayla is the only girl from her kindergarten class and there are only 8 girls (out of 23 or so). But, she said she made some new friends today, enjoyed her teacher and is excited to go back. Thank you Ms. Talmadge!

It was such a warm lovely day that I decided to treat the girls to an ice cream after school (since they didn’t get nearly enough of that while Oma and opa were in town ha ha ha). Anyhow, there was quite a long line, and by the time the girls got their cones and we went outside to eat, a truck had pulled up and a band was playing from the truck. There was a piano in the back, a guitar player on top and a homemade bucket base (?) player out front. They didn’t stay too long, enough for 8-10 songs, and then left again. They were really good and really fun and it made my afternoon.