We had such a good time at this park last year that we decided to go again. Our cabin’s firepit/picinic area was quite private this time. It was quite cold but at least it didn’t rain until the last night while we were sleeping. We had some lovely hikes in the woods, including one where the girls searched for nature treasures that they found on the hike.
One of our walks led us down to the beach. It was pretty but not very warm. We found a natural see-saw made from driftwood, found the perfect pebbles and had a bit of fun.
I was fascinated by this tree at the top of the cliff. It’s roots were barely hanging on with all the erosion. I wonder if it will still be there next year, or if it will have made it’s plunge to the join the beach.
On our way home from camping we decided to swing north to take a look at the tulip fields. It was again cold and we didn’t feel like the crowds at the tulips, but we did find this lovely daffodil field in full bloom. Too bad we couldn’t all just go running through it. It sure was yellow.