We did our first hike of the fall. It was a rainy day and we headed out to Franklin Falls. Julia was the only one dressed appropriately in her rain boots and rain pants. The rest of us were good except for the foot ware. We had no way to know the trail would be mostly flooded. Julia was able to stomp her way through the water while the rest of us had to find a dry path by. One spot of the trail was totally washed away.

The river was raging alongside the trail, so it was no surprise that the water fall was also raging. Talk about some powerful water! We even had a super brief magical moment where the sun shone enough to let us see a rainbow in front of the falls. It was a pretty hike in the old trees with many many varieties and colors of mushrooms. The girls were super hiking troopers and I look forward to more of these hikes with the family.