Julia pulls herself up to standing more often now. This time it seems that the snack on the table was the motivator. A couple times she has taken a step while she’s held my hand, but she seems to be enjoying crawling regular style, and is really fast. She likes to copy Kayla and other kids too, joining in using her own way. She has blown kisses a handful of times, and still loves to wave to people. Julia also has a shy side to her, and will often turn her head in to me after waving or smiling at someone, and then looks back at them. It’s cute.
Kayla had me take her picture with these bears in this chair, for several days in a row, so we now have several versions. She’s taken a liking to these two bears lately. Kayla has been singing more, and carrying tunes better. She is back to incessantly asking “why” which is loads of fun, but she is certainly curious. Kayla helps us in the kitchen a lot too, and has started putting her dishes into the dishwasher all by herself.