Well, laughing for one. Kayla has been giggling for several weeks now, but nothing quite like tonight. She laughed for several minutes and just giggled her head off. I look forward to more of that.

Kayla of course continues to grab things and is really getting good at it. The other day I noticed her sticking both arms out as if to ask to be picked up. Her feet continue to be more involved in her play as well. She hasn’t grabbed onto them with her hands yet, but does grab (used loosely) some of her hanging toys with her feet. When Kayla gets mad or frustrated now she will arch her whole body as it goes rigid. This of course is combined with some sort of grunting or other noise of frustration. Kayla has been more fussy these days, I think mostly it revolves around her being tired and not able to put herself to sleep. Tummy time is increasing and Kayla is beginning to do the mini pushups. When on her back, Kayla sort of arches and moves in such a way that seems to be a precurser to rolling from back to front. She can roll to her side quite well. Other than tired fusses, she continues to be a joy and when in the mood will talk to you for several minutes. I think she’s also begun to sing along with me sometimes. She certainly is putting most everything in her mouth, and even her whole fist at times. We’re not sure how she does it…
A couple of weeks ago we put Kayla back in the tub and found out she loves it. She kicks and moves her arms like a water baby for sure. She has a pumping motion with her legs that she uses to propell herself one way or another. This is evident both in the bath and when she is laying down. The scooting has begun.